ぬり絵帳とフランネルグラフ: 友だちを 助けるための 工夫!
月曜日, 11月 1, 2010

Instructions to make your own Bible storybook:

1. Color the pictures.

2. Cut each page in the middle along the black line.

3. Assemble the pages in order, and staple the left side to form your own booklet.

Instructions to make your own flannelgraph:

Cover the front of the flannelgraph pieces with clear contact paper. Cut out the pieces. Glue small pieces of sandpaper or felt on the back of each piece, so they will stick to a flannel board. Use these flannelgraph pieces to tell the story of the wondrous amount of fish Jesus helped His disciples to catch, as told in Luke 5:4–7, or read the story included with this activity.

You can also photocopy the pages, and use these figures for other activities, such as, coloring pages, to create your own reader, wall posters, mobiles, etc.

Written and illustrated by Didier Martin.
Copyright © 2010 by The Family International
タグ: ぬり絵, 子供のための聖書物語, フランネルグラフ, いやし, イエス様, 奇跡, ミニ聖書物語