ぬり絵 :イエス様のたとえ話 : 放蕩息子
水曜日, 11月 4, 2020
S&S Link:
Christian Life and Faith: Biblical and Christian Foundation: Jesus, God’s Son-1e
Illustrated and designed by Didier Martin.
Copyright © 2020 by
Didier Martin
. Used by permission.
PDF: Coloring Page: The Parables of Jesus: The Prodigal Son (English) (slideshow)
— www.mywonderstudio.com/documents/5993/970_Coloring_Page_Parables_of_Jesus_The_Prodigal_Son.pdf
PDF: Coloring Page: The Parables of Jesus: The Prodigal Son (Japanese) (slideshow)
— www.mywonderstudio.com/documents/5996/970_Coloring_Page_Parables_of_Jesus_The_Prodigal_Son_Jap.pdf
PDF: Coloring Page: The Parables of Jesus: The Prodigal Son (Spanish) (slideshow)
— www.mywonderstudio.com/documents/5995/L1_970_Coloring_Page_The_Prodigal_Son_SP.pdf
PDF: Coloring Page: The Parables of Jesus: The Prodigal Son (Portuguese) (slideshow)
— www.mywonderstudio.com/documents/5994/L1_970_Coloring_Page_The_Prodigal_Son_PT.pdf
謙遜, ぬり絵, たとえ話, ゆるし, イエス様のたとえ話