My Wonder Studio
Level 2 Lesson Plan: Why Keep Clean?
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Note to parent or teacher: Here’s a 30- to 40-minute lesson plan highlighting the following learning objectives: “Learn that one’s appearance affects how others view a person; it also affects how one thinks about oneself, as well as one’s actions toward others.” (Character Building: Personal Responsibility: Health and Personal Care-2a)

ReadWhat Does It Mean to Be Made in God’s Image?” Highlight how knowing that God loves and values us should encourage us to take care of ourselves physically.

ReadWhy Tidiness?

ReadClean House and Heart.”

Discuss what happens to your spirit and to those around you when you're sloppy and don't take care of yourself or your surroundings.

ReadThe Hygiene Experiment.”

TakeThe Personal Hygiene Contest.” Encourage your child to make an extra effort in the areas that he showed himself weak in.

Additional resources:

ReadTemple Care.”

Compiled by My Wonder Studio staff.
Copyright © 2014 by The Family International
Tagged: hygiene, level 2 lesson plan