My Wonder Studio
0–5 Lesson Plan: In God’s Garden, Part 2
Monday, July 29, 2019

Note to parent or teacher: Here is a 30-minute 0–5 lesson plan on God’s love and care for His children and the benefits of the guidance and instruction one receives in life.

ReadMore Magnificent than Trees.”

Talk with your children about the gifts and qualities that they are blessed with, and take a moment to thank God for those gifts or qualities.

ReadPruning for Growth.”

Think of one area or skill that needs additional work and how discipline and training would be important when working on something that is challenging. Discuss why it is important to work on something that might be difficult (e.g., it teaches perseverance, helps improve a needed albeit difficult skill, etc.). Also discuss how it’s important to receive guidance and instruction for recognizing and overcoming weak points that one might have when developing a new skill.

ReadA Sapling’s Support.”

Ask the children to think of themselves as plants in God’s garden. Discuss some things that would be needed to keep a plant growing healthy and strong, and then talk about how that could apply to everyday life. (For example, a plant needs proper food and a good environment to grow well, just like a child needs a good home environment, nourishment, and care to thrive.)

ReadTend the Garden of Your Heart.”

Select one or more of the following coloring pages for the children to color:

Listen toBuilding on a Rock” and “Me and You” while your children color.

Compiled by My Wonder Studio staff.
Published by My Wonder Studio. Copyright © 2019 by The Family International
Tagged: discipline and training, god's love and care, 0–5 lesson plan, in the garden