My Wonder Studio
Heroes of the Bible: Peter
Friday, July 22, 2022

Name means: stone or rock (from Greek “Petros”)

AKA: Simon bar-Jona (Simon, son of Jonah)

Startling fact: Peter was the first of Jesus’ disciples on record to recognize who He was. When Jesus asked His disciples who they thought He was, Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16 ESV).

Did you know? When Jesus was captured, prior to His crucifixion, bystanders asked Peter if he knew Jesus. Peter said that he didn’t—which happened not once, but three times. (See Matthew 26:33–35, 69–75.) Peter’s temper also caused him to often say things he shouldn’t and frequently landed him in hot water, but after being filled with the Holy Spirit, he turned into an unstoppable force, preaching the gospel and performing miracles (see Acts 2 and 3)—even bringing a woman back to life (see Acts 9:36–42)!

You can too: Believe that Jesus forgives all mistakes, big and small.

Authored by R. A. Watterson. Illustrated by Y. M. Designed by Roy Evans.
Published by My Wonder Studio. Copyright © 2022 by The Family International
Tagged: courage, great men and women of god, heroes of the bible